The role and efficacy of spinach

 The role and efficacy of spinach

The role and efficacy of spinach

Spinach contains vitamin C, protein, fat, thiamine, carbohydrates, ash, phosphorus, calcium, crude fiber, iron, carotene, folic acid, riboflavin, fluorine, rutin, niacin and oxalic acid, etc. Spinach also contains A lot of tocopherol, spinach sterol and other ingredients. Ancient Chinese called it “red-billed green parrot”, also known as Persian cuisine and red root cuisine. “Compendium of Materia Medica” believes that eating spinach can “pass the blood, open the chest and diaphragm, lower the Qi, quench thirst and moisten dryness.” The ancient Arabs also called it the “King of Vegetables”. Spinach not only contains a lot of beta carotene and iron, it is also an excellent source of vitamin B6, folic acid, iron and potassium.

Spinach is cool and sweet, enters the liver, stomach, large intestine, and small intestine meridian. Spinach has the functions of moisturizing dryness and smoothing intestines, clearing away heat and irritability, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, nourishing blood and stopping bleeding, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. It can treat liver meridian fever, dizziness and heat, dizzy eyes or night blindness, hemorrhoids, hematochezia, hematochezia, scurvy, diarrhea, chronic constipation, mouth ulcers, cheilitis, glossitis, dermatitis, etc.

Spinach can promote the secretion of the pancreas, help digest the carotene contained in spinach, and convert it into vitamin A in the human body, which can maintain normal vision and the health of epithelial cells, increase the ability to resist infectious diseases, and promote the growth and development of children; it contains riboflavin Can prevent mouth ulcers, cheilitis, glossitis, dermatitis, scrotum; contains vitamin K, has a hemostatic effect; contains iron, has a better therapeutic effect on iron deficiency anemia, regular consumption of spinach can harm blood Tongmai, nourishing blood and intestines, regulating middle and lower qi.

Spinach is soft and easy to digest after being cooked, and is especially suitable for the elderly, young, sick, and weak. Computer workers and people who love beauty should also eat spinach; people with diabetes (especially those with type 2 diabetes) often eat spinach to help keep blood sugar stable; at the same time, spinach is also suitable for people with high blood pressure, constipation, anemia, scurvy, and people with rough skin. , Allergy; not suitable for patients with nephritis and kidney stones. Spinach has a high content of oxalic acid and should not be consumed too much at one time; in addition, people with spleen deficiency and loose stools should not eat more.

Nutritional value of spinach

1. If your complexion is not good, please eat spinach often. It can improve iron deficiency anemia and can make the complexion ruddy and radiant, so it is praised as a good product for beauty.
2. Spinach leaves contain chromium and an insulin-like substance, its effect is very similar to insulin, which can keep blood sugar stable.
3. The abundant B vitamin content makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiencies such as angular cheilitis and night blindness.
4. Spinach contains a lot of antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium, which have anti-aging and cell proliferation effects, which can activate brain function and enhance youthful vitality, help prevent brain aging and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
5. A Harvard University study also found that middle-aged and elderly people who eat spinach 2 to 4 times a week can reduce the risk of retinal degeneration and protect their eyesight due to the intake of vitamin A and carotene.

≮Applicable amount≯
80~100 grams per meal.
1. Spinach can be fried, mixed, roasted, made into soup and used as an ingredient, such as “spinach with ginger”, “spinach with sesame seeds”, “spinach with sea rice” and so on.
2. Many people like to eat spinach. Spinach contains oxalic acid, especially round leaf varieties, which affect the body’s absorption of calcium after eating. Therefore, when eating this kind of spinach, it is advisable to boil it and drop the vegetable water to reduce the oxalic acid content.
3. Raw spinach is not suitable for co-cooking with tofu, so as to hinder digestion and affect the efficacy. After blanching it in boiling water, it can be co-cooked with tofu.

≮Special reminder≯
1. Many people love to eat spinach, but it must be noted that spinach cannot be cooked directly because it contains more oxalic acid, which hinders the body’s absorption of calcium. Therefore, when eating spinach, it is advisable to blanch it in boiling water, remove it and fry it.
2. Eat more alkaline foods as much as possible, such as kelp, spinach, fruits, etc., to promote the dissolution of calcium oxalate and prevent stones.

≮Healthy traffic light≯
1. Infants and those with calcium deficiency, rickets, tuberculosis, kidney stones, and diarrhea should not eat raw spinach.
2. Although spinach contains high iron content, there is not much iron that can be absorbed, and it will interfere with the absorption of zinc and calcium, so it should not be used to supplement iron and blood, especially not for children to eat more.

Spinach treatment prescription

1. Bruises: 100g of spinach, 30g of drynaria, 20g of spatholobus, 20g of spatholobi spatholobus, decoct and boil the three-flavored Chinese medicinal water twice, take 20Oml, then wash the spinach, squeeze 150ml of juice, and 30ml of rice wine with Take 30ml of concoction mixture every time, two to three times a day. It has the functions of nourishing blood and liver, strengthening bones and muscles, and can treat bruises and other diseases.

2. Night blindness, anemia: 500g spinach cut into sections, 200g sheep liver cut into slices, 30g glutinous grass, 20g dense flowers. Add water and simmer, eat liver and drink soup. One dose per day. Regular eating has the effect of replenishing qi and blood and improving eyesight, and can cure insufficient liver blood, unclear vision, night blindness, anemia and other diseases.

3. High blood pressure, headache, dizziness, constipation: 100g fresh spinach and roots, blanch in hot water for 3 minutes, take them out and mix with sesame oil, eat twice a day.

4. Cough and asthma: appropriate amount of spinach seeds, stir-fry yellow with a steady fire, and grind into fines. Take 5g each time, warm and hot water, twice a day.

5. Spot removal: Wash the spinach and smash it, take only the juice, and then apply it on the face, or after the spinach is cooked, wash the face with boiled water to remove the spots.

6. Pulmonary tuberculosis: spinach seed 1500g, Bletilla striata 1000g, Stemona 500g. Rinse it into a fine powder, add an appropriate amount of honey and stir evenly to make 9 to 10g pellets. Take it with warm water after meal. Take 1 pill three times a day, and take one pill for two consecutive months as a course of treatment.

7. Diabetes: 100g fresh spinach root, 15g dried chicken inner gold, add water and decoct, 2 to 3 times a day.

8. Remove freckles: Wash the liver and cut into thin skins, then put the spinach, liver, and salt in boiling water. After the water is boiled, put it in a bowl and eat it, which will help reduce freckles.

Benefits of eating spinach

No anemia — Spinach is rich in iron, which is one of the raw materials for human hematopoiesis, and is a good food for women during menstruation. People who often eat spinach have a ruddy and radiant complexion, and can stay away from iron-deficiency anemia.

Strong physique-Spinach contains considerable protein, which can help the body develop and be energetic.

Good skin-vitamin K, which is lacking in many fruits and vegetables. Human heads are shiny and their skin is white and shiny. Not only vitamins A, B, and C are needed, but also vitamin K is indispensable.

Detoxification – Spinach can clean up the heat toxins in the human intestines and stomach, avoid constipation, and maintain unobstructed excretion. And spinach is very low in calories, so you don’t have to worry about getting fat if you eat it frequently.

Protect eyesight-We know that lack of vitamin A can cause dry eyes and “fuzzy” viewing. The carotene in spinach is converted into vitamin A in the body, which can reduce the risk of retinal degeneration. It should be of great help to people who use computers.

Stabilize emotions-the rich vitamins A, B, and C in spinach can help you get out of a state of restlessness, drive away tension and improve depression.

Give birth to a healthy baby — The folic acid in spinach is very important to the mother. Supplementing sufficient folic acid during pregnancy can not only prevent the birth of a baby with developmental defects, but also reduce the probability of newborn babies suffering from leukemia, congenital heart disease and other diseases.

How to eat spinach healthy

1. Cold spinach: 250g fresh spinach, 100g vermicelli. First, blanch the spinach and vermicelli in boiling water for about 3 minutes, cool and cut into sections, and mix with sesame oil. It has the effect of clearing away heat and moisturizing the intestines, and is more suitable for hypertension, constipation, head swelling, flushing, dizziness and other diseases.

2. Spinach and crucian carp soup: spinach 100g, crucian carp 250g, ham 25g, rice wine, ginger, green onion, salt, MSG appropriate, crucian carp scales, intestines, washed and cut into 5 mm thick slices, add salt, wine , Stain for half an hour. Cook the lard until it’s ripe, sauté the ginger slices, green onions, and fish fillets. Add water to boil and simmer for half an hour. Open the lid and put in the chopped spinach, seasoning, and sprinkle with minced ham and monosodium glutamate. , Start the pot after boiling. It has the effects of increasing milk, clearing milk, and dehumidifying. It is more suitable for postpartum milk shortage or milk obstruction.

3. Spinach polygonatum drink: fresh spinach 60 to 120g, polygonatum 30g. Spinach decoction, using spinach soup to boil Polygonatum odoratum as a tea drink, has the effect of replenishing qi and promoting fluid, which is more suitable for diabetic polydipsia and inducing drinking.

4. Spinach cassia seed: Wash 500g fresh spinach and cut into sections, 250g pig blood and cut into chunks, 15g cassia seed, add proper amount of water to boil the soup. After seasoning, take it with food, once a day for two to three times in a row. It has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxative, which is more suitable for hemorrhoids, constipation, habitual constipation, dry intestines and constipation of the elderly.

5. Spinach bone soup: 250g spinach, 500g ribs. First cut the ribs into sections, add water to boil, boil over fire, skim the froth, add rice wine, scallion, ginger and garlic, simmer for two hours, drain the soup. In addition, blanch the spinach in boiling water for a while, chop it into puree, pour it into the soup, season it and eat it. It has the effect of replenishing qi and blood, and is more suitable for the adjuvant treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children.

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