Eating spinach has many benefits, pay attention to 5 taboos

 Eating spinach has many benefits, pay attention to 5 taboos

Eating spinach has many benefits, pay attention to 5 taboos

Everything grows and restrains each other, and some foods are not suitable for eating with spinach. Therefore, if you want to eat spinach correctly and healthily, you must be more particular. Let’s take a look at what you need to pay attention to when eating spinach.

The nutritional value of spinach

Spinach contains a lot of beta carotene and iron, and is also an excellent source of vitamin B6, folic acid, iron and potassium. Among them, the rich iron can improve iron deficiency anemia, can make the complexion ruddy and radiant, so it is praised as a good product for beauty. Spinach leaves contain chromium and an insulin-like substance, which is very similar to insulin and can stabilize blood sugar. The rich content of B vitamins enables it to prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiencies such as angular cheilitis and night blindness. Spinach contains a lot of antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium, which has anti-aging and cell proliferation effects. It can not only activate brain function, but also enhance youthful vitality, help prevent brain aging and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. A Harvard University study also found that middle-aged and elderly people who consume spinach 2 to 4 times a week can reduce the risk of retinal degeneration and protect their eyesight due to the intake of vitamin A and carotene.

Precautions for eating spinach

Choose spinach with short red stems and fresh and elastic leaves.

When buying spinach, the leaves are easy to thick and stretch well, and the leaf surface should be wide and the petiole should be short. If the leaf is discolored, it should be removed.

Spinach is now available almost all year round. Usually, spinach in spring is short and tender and suitable for cold dressing; while spinach in autumn is thicker and suitable for stir-frying or making soup.

Special reminder: Because oxalic acid is easily soluble in water, no matter which way it is eaten, it is best to blanch it in boiling water before eating spinach. This can effectively remove 80% of oxalic acid, and then Stir-fry, mix or make soup just fine.

Finally, let’s take a look at which foods cannot be eaten with spinach.

Spinach with what can not eat together

Spinach and cucumber: Vitamin C in spinach will be destroyed by decomposing enzymes in cucumber.

Spinach and tofu: The oxalic acid in spinach and the calcium in tofu form calcium oxalate, which makes the body’s calcium unable to absorb.

Spinach and milk: the same food can cause dysentery.

Spinach and eel: The same food can cause diarrhea.

Spinach and leeks: eating the two together has the effect of smoothing the intestines, which can easily cause diarrhea.

If you want to eat spinach healthy, you must pay attention to the above points.

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